CA Final Audit New Classes

Faculty: CA Aarti Lahoti Duration: Around 143 Hours Applicable Nov 2020, May 2021, Nov 21

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  CA Final Audit New Syllabus Regular  V4.0
Lecture No. ParticularsDuration (HH:MM)
1BSA 2000:29
2ASA 2001:30
2BSA 2001:35
3ASA 2101:36
3BSA 7001:22
4ASA 705 & SA 7061:39
4BSA 706 & SA 2601:10
5ASA 7011:21
5BSA 5001:34
6ASA 3151:46
6BSA 3151:15
7ASA 330 & SA 4501:52
7BSA 2401:17
8ASA 240 & SQC 11:46
8BSQC 1 & SA 2201:20
8CSA 300 & SA 3201:47
8DSA 230 & SA 2501:17
9ASA 250 & SA 2651:43
9BSA 501 & SA 5051:27
10ASA 505, SA 510 & SA 5201:57
10BSA 520 & SA 5301:13
10CSA 540 & SA 5501:57
11ASA 560 & SA 5701:47
11BSA 570 & SA 5801:28
11CSA 710, SA 720 & SA 2992:25
12ASA 402 & SA 6001:55
12BSA 610 & SA 6201:19
12CSA 6200:46
12DProfessional Ethics2:19
13AProfessional Ethics1:42
13BProfessional Ethics1:25
13CProfessional Ethics1:59
13DProfessional Ethics1:06
14AProfessional Ethics1:51
14BProfessional Ethics1:17
14CProfessional Ethics1:54
14DProfessional Ethics1:29
15AProfessional Ethics2:05
15BProfessional Ethics1:12
15CCARO, 20161:41
15DCARO, 20161:34
15ECARO, 20160:49
Part ACARO, 20202:33
Part BCARO, 20201:55
19ADACompany Accounts & Audit1:29
19BDBLiabilities of Auditor0:59
19CDCAudit Committee & Corporate Governance0:33
20AEAAudit Committee & Corporate Governance2:13
20BEBAudit Committee & Corporate Governance0:51
21AFAAudit Committee & Corporate Governance1:41
21BFBAudit of Consolidated Financial Statements1:16
22AGAAudit of Consolidated Financial Statements1:07
22BGBAudit under Fiscal Laws0:43
22CGCAudit under Fiscal Laws1:09
23AHAAudit under Fiscal Laws1:02
23BHBAudit under Fiscal Laws2:02
24AIAAudit under Fiscal Laws1:10
24BIBAudit under Fiscal Laws1:17
24CICPoint of Attention for further chapters0:52
25AJADue Diligence, Investigations & Forensic Audit0:39
25BJBDue Diligence, Investigations & Forensic Audit1:23
25CJCDue Diligence, Investigations & Forensic Audit1:53
25DJDDue Diligence, Investigations & Forensic Audit1:04
25EJEDue Diligence, Investigations & Forensic Audit0:32
26AKAInternal Controls, Internal Audit, Management & Operational Audit1:10
26BKBInternal Controls, Internal Audit, Management & Operational Audit1:46
26CKCInternal Controls, Internal Audit, Management & Operational Audit1:13
26DKDInternal Controls, Internal Audit, Management & Operational Audit1:02
27ALAAudit of PSUs0:36
27BLBAudit of PSUs1:31
27CLCAudit of PSUs0:23
28AMAAudit of Banks1:28
28BMBAudit of Banks1:08
28CMCAudit of Banks1:36
28DMDAudit of Banks1:38
29ANAPeer Review & Quality Review1:46
29BNBPeer Review & Quality Review1:10
30AOAAudit of Insurance Companies1:35
30BOBAudit of Insurance Companies1:28
30COCAudit of Insurance Companies1:45
30DODAudit of Insurance Companies0:58
31APAAudit of Non Banking Financial Companies1:31
31BPBAudit of Non Banking Financial Companies0:51
32AQSpecial Aspects of Auditing in an Automated Environment1:48
33ARClosing Remarks - How to Study…0:37
1A - 1DMCQ4:36
2A - 2LMCQ4:17
3A - 3DMCQ2:25
4A - 4BMCQ1:11
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